Quick StartΒΆ

Below is a quick example to quickly make a force field for silicon.

from pyxtal_ff import PyXtal_FF

train_data = "pyxtal_ff/datasets/Si/PyXtal/Si8.json"
descriptors = {'type': 'SOAP',
               'Rc': 5.0,
               'parameters': {'lmax': 4, 'nmax': 3},
               'N_train': 400,
model = {'system': ['Si'],
         'hiddenlayers': [16, 16],
ff = PyXtal_FF(descriptors=descriptors, model=model)
ff.run(mode='train', TrainData=train_data)

The script will first compute the SOAP descriptor . As long as the descritors are obtained, they will be fed to the neural network trainining. Below is an example output from this quick script.

             ______       _    _          _         _______ _______
            (_____ \     \ \  / /        | |       (_______|_______)
             _____) )   _ \ \/ / |_  ____| |        _____   _____
            |  ____/ | | | )  (|  _)/ _  | |       |  ___) |  ___)
            | |    | |_| |/ /\ \ |_( ( | | |_______| |     | |
            |_|     \__  /_/  \_\___)_||_|_(_______)_|     |_|

================================= version 0.0.9 =================================

Descriptor parameters:
type        : SOAP
Rc          : 5.0
nmax        : 3
lmax        : 4

2012 structures have been loaded.
Computing the descriptors...
 400 out of  400
Saving descriptor-feature data to Si-SOAP/Train_db.dat

==================================== Training ====================================

No of structures   : 400
No of descriptors  : 30
No of parameters   : 785
No of epochs       : 1
Optimizer          : lbfgs
Force_coefficient  : 0.03
Stress_coefficient : None
Batch_size         : None

Iteration   99:
eng_loss:   0.020505     force_loss:   0.022794   stress_loss:   0.000000  regularization:   0.000000
    Loss:   0.043299     Energy MAE:     0.1383     Force MAE:     0.2759     Stress MAE:     0.0000

Iteration  100:
eng_loss:   0.020105     force_loss:   0.022543   stress_loss:   0.000000  regularization:   0.000000
    Loss:   0.042649     Energy MAE:     0.1380     Force MAE:     0.2756     Stress MAE:     0.0000

The training time: 116.85 s
The Neural Network Potential is exported to Si-SOAP/16-16-checkpoint.pth

============================= Evaluating Training Set ============================

The results for energy:
    Energy R2     0.993670
    Energy MAE    0.138006
    Energy RMSE   0.200526
The energy figure is exported to: Si-SOAP/Energy_Train.png

The results for force:
    Force R2      0.880971
    Force MAE     0.275650
    Force RMSE    0.707787
The force figure is exported to: Si-SOAP/Force_Train.png

After the training is complete, the optimized weight information will be stored as Si-SOAP/16-16-checkpoint.pth, where 16-16 describes the neuron information. In the meantime, the code also provide graphicial output to facilitate the analysis.

../../_images/quick-Energy_Train1.png ../../_images/quick-Force_Train1.png

If you feel that the quality of results are not satisfactory, you can contine the training from the previous run file (Si-SOAP/16-16-checkpoint.pth) with the restart option.

from pyxtal_ff import PyXtal_FF

train_data = "pyxtal_ff/datasets/Si/PyXtal/Si8.json"
descriptors = {'type': 'SOAP',
               'Rc': 5.0,
               'parameters': {'lmax': 4, 'nmax': 3},
               'N_train': 400,
model = {'system': ['Si'],
         'hiddenlayers': [16, 16],
         'restart': 'Si-SOAP/16-16-checkpoint.pth',
ff = PyXtal_FF(descriptors=descriptors, model=model)
ff.run(mode='train', TrainData=train_data)
The results for energy:
    Energy R2     0.997013
    Energy MAE    0.093162
    Energy RMSE   0.137752
The energy figure is exported to: Si-SOAP/Energy_Train.png

The results for force:
    Force R2      0.951379
    Force MAE     0.200881
    Force RMSE    0.452365
The force figure is exported to: Si-SOAP/Force_Train.png

Clearly, running another 100 training steps notably reduces the MAE values. Thereforce, we can continue to train it by specifying the epoch option.

from pyxtal_ff import PyXtal_FF

train_data = "pyxtal_ff/datasets/Si/PyXtal/Si8.json"
descriptors = {'type': 'SOAP',
               'Rc': 5.0,
               'parameters': {'lmax': 4, 'nmax': 3},
               'N_train': 400,
model = {'system': ['Si'],
         'hiddenlayers': [16, 16],
         'restart': 'Si-SOAP/16-16-checkpoint.pth',
         'epoch': 600,
ff = PyXtal_FF(descriptors=descriptors, model=model)
ff.run(mode='train', TrainData=train_data)

Below are the results after 1000 steps of training.

../../_images/quick-Energy_Train2.png ../../_images/quick-Force_Train2.png